Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Office Supply Wednesday

This is my Family Guy wallpaper. I have it at work because it gives me warm fuzzies, and it helps me to forget that I'm work. Actually, that's not true at all. I just like to have something familiar near me while I'm in corporate servitude.


DaMasta said...

I'm up for OSW!

I have Brian saying, "Who do ya have to hump to get a dry martini around here" as my ring tone.

Jen said...

Badtouch seems to be too cool to participate anymore. You should throw a temper tantrum.

PJ said...

Seriously...he sucks in the face.

Erin said...

It's funny that you say monkey...(check out my OSW submission)


Shanshu said...

ebu: We can't check out your OSW because there is no link to your blog on your profile.

But I'm glad you heart OSW!!

Feel the love.

Spinning Girl said...

Dude, I totally played today.

Cigamybab said...

Wazz up Family Guy Rocks