Here is a quick list of some of my favorite scary movies, in honor of Halloween tomorrow. These aren't really in a particular order....just as they come to me.
Nano-Shurikens of Doom
Look at people like Paris fucking Hilton. Her song was actually on the charts for a bit. Is she a musical talent? Hell no. Does she come across to you as a musical prodigy? No, she can't even spell that. So why was her song popular, even for thirty seconds? The answer is, her "music", along with her "acting" and her smelly “perfume” foulness, was manufactured in a lab...nothing more.
The same can be said for Lindsey boobage Lohan. Her “song” was nothing more than backbeats, sound effects, and audio backup. Remember when she got caught lip syncing? Ask her to sing you “Happy Birthday” and you’ll end up ripping your own ears off to avoid the shrill shrieks that emanate from her throat. Quite frankly, I am not interested in what’s coming out of her throat, rather than what’s going into it.
Studios can make anybody sound good, with the right equipment and editing. Most of the time when we hear these performers in real life, we are shocked at how lame they really are without a studio and 116 takes to get it perfect.
Most music today is lame, in that regard. There are some performers who I feel are very talented, and I enjoy listening to them. Most of time though, it’s nothing more than a load of audio smoke and mirrors to cover up a blatant lack of talent in an attempt to make more money for the studios and the entertainment producers.
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