I hate Mondays.
I think most people hate Mondays. Garfield* hated Mondays, and he was a fat cartoon cat...so that means Mondays totally suck balls, if a cartoon hates it. Because cartoons are smarter than humans, and cats doubly so.
Today's Monday is especially nasty for me, for two reasons:
1. I only got 3 hours of sleep
2. I'm sick
Now, you might be asking yourselves "Shanshu, why the hell are you at work today? It's Monday, and you're sick! Plus, you must be tired!"
Well, I'll tell you.
Friday I called in to work and told them I wasn't coming in. Something about my grandmother being in an accident and having her spleen injured or some such shit...I was lying. I didn't feel like going in to work and doing nothing and being bored and it was such a nice day out, I totally played hooky.
It was awesome.
I went and saw the early showing of 300, which is the best movie I've seen in a long, long time. I'll probably go see it again, too. It was that good. If you haven't seen it yet, you're totally missing out.
I also went shopping on Friday. I spent $132 on a new pair of jeans and 2 tee shirts. I felt faint afterwards, but my friends have assured me that this is "grown up" shopping and in no way insane. If you had told me a year ago that I would spend $80 on a pair of fucking jeans I would have told you to blow off, fashion whore! No way would I do that.
I totally did that.
They are the most comfortable, good looking jeans I've ever had. I might name them, and keep them in a special drawer, or something. Maybe "Mr. Pantastico".
Later that night, I had some friends over and we played the Nintendo Wii. That was so much fun, I think I might have to go buy one now. Sers'ly. After the Wii fest, we went to bars and got drunk and got hit on and it was fun.
So Friday was fun. I loved it.
Then last night, I start feeling sick. Oh, shit. Oh, shit shit SHIT! No, not sick!
Yep, totally sick. This sucks on many levels. First of all, I was sick like...a month ago. This is totally bullshit that I'm sick again! I told the universe so, last night. It didn't care. I'm still fucking sick.
So I can't use a sick day today because I already used one on FRIDAY for my little hooky-sick grandmother-adventure day and if I burn another day away, my boss will get irritated and suspicious.
So here I sit. It sucks. Please show me pity.
*Totally random blog: I was searching for a picture of Garfield, and I ran across THIS blog. How appropriate is that?
I feel mucho pity for you. I'm getting sick, because John is currently at home sick and dying. My throat, head, and body all hurt this morning. Why am I at work? Because I'm missing time this week anyway, and next week is a 2 day week because of my surgery. Oh yeah, need to get well for that!!
I hate Mondays.
I hate DST.
I'm tired.
Life can be so friggin unjust some days.
I hate Monday's too. It's a zoo here on Monday's. Fact, I've never known a good Monday. They pretty much all bite the big one.
Feel better. It'll be Friday in 4 days.
I wnet to see Garfield early on Sunday morning and was forced to sit int he secod row...
Even with a neck cramp I loved that movie!
$80 for jeans. Never. Never ever.
I really want to see 300. Really really.
That website is the most postmodern thing I've ever seen. It actually disects and explains Garfield cartoons like they're pieces of Aristotlian theory. Very odd.
Never - not in a million years - not even if I win the lottery - would I pay $80 for jeans. I just can't. It's against my very nature.
Awesome Garfield site. Wish the guy kept updating.
arlene: getting sick sucks, for sure. getting sick on a Monday really sucks. What is DST?
crabby: Mondays suck. Friday is indeed only 4 days away, but that never makes me feel better until almost Thursday.
steven: welcome back from vacation. oh, and i hated the Garfield movies. I love Bill Murry but I just couldn't get into the film.
frustrated/callie: I never thought I would spend that much money on jeans, either. I felt dirty afterwards. I'm from Texas and normally jeans are just the cheapest you can find. But damn these new jeans are comfortable and look awesome.
I swear I commented yesterday, but apparently not...
While I have extreme heartburn with paying that much for jeans, I have to admit I'm lusting after a $300 pair myself. Just lusting after at this point, but still.
And I'm loving on that Garfield site. It's a bit weird, but in a way that I dig.
I agree about 300. It is one of the best movies that I have seen.
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